Code Geass Akito The Exiled Final

Akito the Exiled. The new Code Geass series was first revealed on December 5, 2009. In April 2010, it was officially revealed that a new Code Geass side story anime called Code Geass: Akito the Exiled (コードギアス 亡国のアキト, Kōdo Giasu: Bōkoku no Akito) would be directed by Kazuki Akane (The Vision of Escaflowne). SIGN IN Code Geass: Akito the Exiled 2012 16+ 1 Season Sci-Fi Anime To aid in the war against Euro Britannia, the European Union forms a special unit led by Akito Hyuga, but the power known as Geass. Code Geass - Akito the Exiled Episode 5 FINAL EPISODE: To Beloved Ones. TV-14 HD (1080p) 2016. Available Languages: English and Japanese More Details. The inevitable battle between brothers, the fate of the world, and the power of Geass. All of it comes together, and the battle must find its end.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE (MUST READ)- I will NOT be reading any suggestions/messages/requests/reviews from ANYONE once Code Geass Season 3 airs in hopes of avoiding spoilers; I am going to wait for the English dub to finish airing and then I will watch the dub. Once I have seen it, you will see this message get taken down from my profile. You may still send them to me, but once Code Geass R3 airs, it may take a while for me to decide to read them. I WILL continue to write on FanFiction.

Final exams are finally over and I ended my Junior year with good grades, so I can now write this story more frequently without any stress :).

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'Sometimes, the questions are complicated and the answers are simple,' - L from Death Note.

Friday, June 22nd, 2018 a.t.b

In the Tokyo Settlement, the following posters were hung up in the aftermath of the recent battle:


* Shogo Asahina- Captured *

Rakshata Chawla- Wanted

* Nagisa Chiba- Captured *

Akito Hyuga- Wanted

Naomi Inoue- Captured

Kizuna Kagesaki- Captured

Kallen Kozuki- Wanted

Leila Malcal- Wanted

Yoshitaka Minami- Wanted

* Kaname Ohgi- Captured *

Diethard Ried- Wanted

* Ryoga Senba- Captured *

Kent Sugiyama- Captured

Kaguya Sumeragi- Wanted

Shinichiro Tamaki- Captured

* Kyoshiro Tohdoh- Captured *

Kosetsu Urabe- Wanted

** Zero- Captured **

'Of these 18 terrorists, 10 of them have been captured. Six of those captured were very dangerous people. Most are believed to be in Area 11, but a few might have attempted to escape to the Chinese Federation or beyond,' Said a Britannian news reporter on Hi-TV. 'As you can see, the most notable one is that Zero has been caught and apprehended by Major Suzaku Kururugi of the Britannian military. His whereabouts and his fate are expected to be kept top secret. In other news, most of the leaders of the Six Houses of Kyoto have been executed for treason and for supporting terrorist activity.'

St. Petersburg, Russia

Suzaku Kururugi was traveling by train on official business, dawning his newly acquired Knight of Seven uniform. He wore a blank expression, trying to put aside any personal feelings; this was Lelouch, now Julius Kingsley, as the personal slave to the man who started the war that destroyed their lives. No matter what Suzaku did, it seemed that no one actually respected him for going about the change he seeks peacefully. But it's too late to turn back now.

'S-Suzaku. Can I have some w-water? Please?' Lelouch begged. Suzaku glared at him; he hated Julius Kingsley because he reminded him so much of Zero. 'Please? I just.. want some water. My throat is so dry.'

Suzaku ignored him and waited until they reached their destination.

. . . . . . .

'Welcome to St. Petersburg, Sir Kururugi,' Said the Britannian Commanding Officer stationed by the train station, shaking the newly appointed Knight of Seven's hand.

'Seriously?' Julius Kingsley said, stumbling out of the train. 'I was expecting the masses to be rallied here, cheering me on as I set forth Britannia's glory and victory over the E.U, but I was wrong to expect much of you simple-minded peasants.'

Suzaku scoffed. 'My apologies. He's had a little too much wine to drink.'


'My name is Julius Kingsley and I am the messenger and personal ambassador of his majesty himself, Emperor Charles zi Britannia!'

Some time had passed. Lelouch didn't remember much. His mind was hazy, jumbled, and messy. What was missing? Who was missing?

. . . . . . .

In the E.U controlled part of the city of St. Petersburg, a young woman exited a taxi, paying the driver. She wore a scarf over her head to keep warm. Observing her surroundings, she was dropped off at the place that she was told to go to; an office building which served as a military checkpoint and command center. The entire area looked like a demilitarized zone. Approaching the entrance guarded by a few soldiers, the woman revealed herself to be none other than...

'I'm Lieutenant Colonel Leila Malcal of the E.U. I need to borrow this place as a command center.'

The soldiers, instantly recognizing the heroic Britannian defect, were confused as to why such an important military officer would come to the battlefield herself, but nonetheless saluted her. 'Yes ma'am! You may use this facility however you see fit!'

'I would appreciate it if you all would follow me. There is a very important mission I am about to send you on, but I need all the help I can get.'


A few minutes later, after drinking some warm tea and settling in, she addressed all her the soldiers present. 'How many men do we have?'

Code Geass Akito 3

Code Geass Akito The Exiled Final

'About a hundred, ma'am!' One soldier, the commanding officer before her arrival, answered. 'Most of our fighting forces are engaged in combat against the Britannians in the north-west.'

She sighed. 'I suppose we'll have to make do.' Setting down her cup of tea, Leila stood up to look at the platoon she commandeered. 'Let me brief you on your mission.'

On the left side of the room was a giant map of the city. 'The Britannians occupy most of the north and north-western parts of the city. I've received word from our intel that a VIP in the Britannian military by the name of Julius Kingsley has just arrived for a visit. He'll be accompanied by the Knight of Seven, one of the Twelve strongest Britannian soldiers in the world. Your mission is to capture him alive and take him back to the E.U Head Quarters, Castle Weisswolf. The officers leading the assault will be Lieutenant Akito Hyuga and Warrant Officer Ashley Ashra. The operation begins at 0915 hours,' She said. 'No matter what happens, Julius Kingsley MUST BE captured! Understood?'

Every soldier in the room snapped a salute and a 'Yes ma'am!'

They all filed out of the room except for Akito and Ashley.

'I have a question, ma'am.' Said Ashley, showing his confusion on her sudden appearance. 'Why is this Julius Kingsley person so important?'

Leila looked over his shoulder to make sure the door was closed before speaking. 'Because Julius Kingsley is nothing but a brain washed puppet of their Emperor. His true identity is that of the Area 11 terrorist known as Zero, a personal friend of mine and Akito's.'

. . . . . . .

0915 Hours

The mission depends entirely on Akito's skill, as he is possibly the only person who can outmatch Suzaku Kururugi in a fight. Akito felt no pressure or nervousness. The only thing that bothered him is that Lelouch, his first friend in Japan, was involved, but how'd they brain wash him? Geass? Some crazy secret government science technology gizmo? Drugs? Refrain?

Julius Kingsley was still at the train station. Akito wore a disguise; the uniform of the Knights of St. Michael, a simple white coat with white pants along with a black undershirt with their logo on it, which looked similar to the logo of the Knights of the Round. A crazy idea, but he had no choice. He trusted his own reflexes. If anything went wrong, Ashley and his men would attack with their Knightmares, stationed less than half a mile away on standby. The W-0 unit, Ryou, Yukiya, and Ayano, were also ready to fight.

Walking towards the Britannian checkpoint in front of the train station, two soldiers approached him. 'What's your name and unit? We need to see some ID.'

Code Geass Akito The Exiled Final

'Caesar Rosenberg! I'm a Knight of St. Michael!' Akito improvised. He showed them an object that could be taken as a badge or the symbol of a Britannian royalty member's Knighthood.

'Clear. You can pass.'

Easy. Akito smiled. But here comes the difficult part: finding the VIP, extracting the package, and getting the hell out of there.

Akito rounded the corner and peeked, turning his head to the right, to see Suzaku facing the other way, standing about ten feet away. Quietly sneaking up to him like an assassin, Akito grabbed hold of him and choked him, putting a hand over his nose and mouth to prevent him from screaming. Suzaku struggled, trying to kick out of his grip, but eventually fell asleep due to the lack of oxygen to his brain, making the mission much easier. To make sure that he stays asleep for a couple of hours, Akito pricked Suzaku in the neck with a syringe, giving him a sedative. The intense snow storm caused very low visibility, meaning that it would take them a while to find Suzaku. Now, to find his boss...

Akito saw him on the phone in a surveillance office. Quickly and quietly dashing up to it, Akito stormed the room and quickly punched one security guard. Tackling another and shooting him with a silenced pistol, he whipped the third and final security guard in the face with the stock of his gun, effectively knocking him unconscious. Akito quickly shot the phone that Julius was on, preventing him from calling for help. Quickly stabbing the eye-patched teen in the neck with another syringe, Akito carried his unconscious body outside, tossed over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, going the other way around the building to get back to base.

Castle Weisswolf, Sunday, June 24th, 2018 a.t.b

C.C wore a white hoodie as she approached the heavily guarded fortress with Leila and Akito trudging by her sides in the snow. The place was ridiculously huge; it seemed to cover several tens of thousands of square feet and could hold an entire neighborhood of sub urban mansions inside it; bigger than Ashford Academy. To the left of the main entrance was a large forest.


'Where is he?' She asked Leila.

'In our sick bay. Follow me,' Leila said.

Akito held hands with Leila, blowing warm air onto his right hand to show he's cold; he grew up on a tropical beach, after all. Leila didn't really seem to mind the arctic environment, though.

Much to C.C's pleasure, the facility was the closest of all the structures in the base. She wanted to know if Lelouch was alright. Entering the bunker-like structure and taking an elevator down, they arrived at the military hospital, or sick bay as Leila called it.

Lelouch woke up in a strange bed to a strange ceiling. He wore a blue hospital gown with polka dots on it. His left hand felt very warm, but also cold at the same time. Turning his head, he didn't recognize the girl holding his hand. Behind her, Leila told Akito to fetch a doctor.

'Do you remember who I am?' C.C asked.

Lelouch shook his head. 'I can't really remember much. All I remember is that my name is Lelouch Lamperouge.'

. . . . . . .

'There are three things you would be asked when you suffer from amnesia: What is your name? Do you know where you are? And do you know what the date is? If you can answer any one of these questions, you probably don't have amnesia,' Said a nurse as she checked up on Lelouch's physical state, addressing Leila, Akito, and C.C behind her. 'In Lelouch's case, however, his brain activity is all over the place for some reason. His mind is confused and I don't think he hit his head. Whatever the case, he needs some rest.'

Everyone nodded their heads. Leila and Akito left the room, but C.C stayed with him.

Akito The Exiled

'I'm your witch, Lelouch. We're accomplices.'

Lelouch opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by a kiss from C.C. His eyes widened as the memories came flooding into his head. He returned the kiss and the two embraced as they made out for a few minutes. Many emotions invaded his being; anger and sadness towards Suzaku and his father, but most of all, hope; Hope for a better tomorrow; The same hope he promised C.C and Nunnally.

He leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes, all of his previous worries fading away for the moment, a feeling of serenity filling him.

'I'm sorry for leaving you.'

C.C tried to hide the hurt and loneliness in her heart, her voice staying mostly devoid of any emotion. 'Well, no one could have imagined that Suzaku would betray you so easily.'

Lelouch hugged her. 'Still... I should've killed that bastard when I had the chance! I'm sorry.'

C.C returned his embrace, smiling into his chest. 'So, what happens now?'

'You're almost seven months pregnant, right? Once I get better from my fatigue, I will request Leila to get you to Horai Island. You'll wait there in case you go into labor early. I'm sorry, but I can't be there when you give birth; I've gotta ask Akito to train me.'

'Train you?'

'Yes. I need to get stronger. Being a strategist alone won't help me if I were to face Suzaku in battle again. When he tried to shoot me on Kamine Island, the bullet ricocheted off of my gun and hit the wall behind me; I got lucky, but my luck is running out. I need to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat.'

'I understand. Until then, get some rest, Lelouch.'

C.C gently pushed Lelouch onto his back, laying him down. He smiled and closed his eyes, trying to replenish his strength. C.C left the sick bay and went to go see if she can find something healthy to eat... with a slice of Pizza.

To Be Continued

Watch Code Geass Akito The Exiled Dub

I wanted to skip the Akito The Exiled arc. I'll be immediately writing the next chapter. Till then, bye :}.