USB Loader GX is a homebrew application. It is used for launching homebrew, backup Wii games and back up game cube games on the Nintendo Wii or WiiU vWii mode. To download the latest version USB Loader GX click on one of the following links provided (Updated 2019) USBLoaderGX(2.3MB) USBLoaderGX(2.3MB)Mirror Disclaimer: The USB Loader GX. Extract USB Loader GX and put it in the apps folder on your USB drive or SD card. Insert your USB drive, and SD card if you’re using one, into your Wii and launch USB Loader GX from the Homebrew Channel. Getting Started. There is no “guide” to use the USB Loader GX app. This is intended to help you learn how to use it, by giving you a.

Usb Loader Gx Game File

How To Add Gamecube Games To Usb Loader Gx
Backup Launchers > USB Loaders > USB Loader GX